Group members

Team leader

Ondřej Černotík
I started supervising junior colleagues as a senior postdoc in the group of Radim Filip in 2019. Since 2023, I am independent junior group leader. I obtained my PhD from the Leibniz University Hanover, Germany, where I was supervised by Klemens Hammerer in 2017. 2017–2019, I was a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in the group of Claudiu Genes.


Iivari Pietikäinen
Iivari has worked with me as a postdoc since 2019. He has studied a range of topics within circuit quantum electrodynamics, focusing mainly on detailed numerical simulations. He obtained his PhD at the University of Oulu, Finland, where he was supervised by Erkki Thuneberg and Jani Tuorila.

Vahid Shaghaghi
Vahid joined my group in August 2023 and he works on controlling multiple cavity modes using superconducting circuits. Before coming to Olomouc, he did his PhD at the University of Insubria, Italy, under the guidance of Giuliano Benenti.

Former members

Foroud Bemani (2020–2023)
Foroud works primarily on measurement feedback and its applications in cavity optomechanics, which he also did as a postdoc in my group. He is still at the Palacký University, now working with Andrey Rakhubovsky.

Anil Kumar Chauhan (2019–2022)
As a postdoc, Anil worked on optomechanics with levitated nanoparticles. He studied mainly entanglement generation in nanoparticle motion generated by coherent scattering. Currently, he is a staff scientist at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan in the group of Jason Twamley.